Sunday, July 6, 2014

Some more baseball, a lot of gallo pinto, and snorkeling off the coast.

As the resident “grown up” on the trip, Tom Lincoln filled in and completed the blog for the last few days. He modestly left out that he played in the double header and made some great catches in the outfield! Not too shabby Dr. Lincoln! - Jeff

Thursday June 3
Harking back to the night prior  to the group discussion of impressions made during the trip, I was impressed by guys chewing on the issues of voluntourism, and the opportunities that education can bring in the US and Nicaragua.

Filling in the doings of the last several days, Thursday’s main event was the double header with Big Corn and Little Corn teams. The team was raring to go with our final games and the support a few of the Big Corn guys ready to help out a player. Particular thanks to Hendel from Big Corn playing AE center field who brought a bag of mamoncillos and sugar mangos for the whole team which were much appreciated. Selah particularly conveyed on our thanks. Mamoncillo are the the perfect dugout treat, and should have a place in dugouts the world over, though the Big Corn kids had a great time with sunflower seeds brought by Brendan and Zach.

Game 1
Zach lead off pitching, to Ben catching. Brendan took over catching and Ethan took over pitching. Again the Nicaraguans dominated.

Ethan, Selah, and Doug depart to catch the plane back to Managua and the 1st two to the states who were missed for the rest of the trip, and we join up with Doug a couple days later.

Game 2
We had more Nicaraguan players join us including on the mound, and faced a younger team.
Zach recorded two hits, but we still ended up without a win.

After the 2 games, we really wanted to go to the beach, and the guys energy bounced back with volleyball and frisbee. Dinner on the beach.

Another great breakfast at Ike’s with gallo pinto, eggs and coconut bread, then we headed out to the reef in front of Ike’s on the north end of the island. We struggled with the waves and gear swimming out to the reef and didn’t see much before heading in. We headed out to watch FIFA futbol Brasil v Columbia. First stop for helados (ice cream) before the rest of the game at Fisher’s Cove. Rooting for Colombia but again disappointment so some of us nursed our wounds with more dessert from the fine Island Sweets Bakery before dinner at Comedaria Mari with lobster and other seafood. Lobster is a major export from Caribbean Nicaragua including Corn Island, with diminution of the stock but the season opened when we arrived on the island. Because of the cost, locals are not able to eat the regular catch but only the damaged.

In the morning we set out for more snorkeling and Dan set out to spear lunch. This in the same waters off from Ike’s we found the better sites, and snorkelled among cliffs off coral, overhangs, multicolored fish for hours, before heading to the plane to Managua. We caught the end of the Belgium v Costa Rica world cup in the airport. Nicaraguans more on the the Costa Rican’s side. We unfortunately said bye to Ben who was heading back to the states later. Then the van to Laguna de Apoyo as the sun set.

Sunday, awoke to a view of the blue crater lake in the midst of jungle shrouded volcano rim. Took a drive up to the town of Catarina, passing many plant nurseries, and up on the rim overlooking all, then back to the Hostal Paradiso, with the rest of day with swimming, talking, eating, windsurfing, kayaking, hammocking, reading, ping ponging, wifi-ing, but Zach, Brendan and Sam never did figure out the name of the song that goes tip tip tip tip tip. Back to Managua tomorrow, to head back to MA after midnight.


Thanks everyone for following!

Ben exchanging jerseys.

The milky way from above Ike's Place on the Corn Islands.

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