Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Big Corn Island!

Editor (Jeff’s) notes in italics.

Hola! Today we rose early at Oasis at around 3:30 am for our flight to the corn islands! Although this feels like ages ago, this morning was very tiresome. We got to the airport at around 6:30 for our 7:15 flight to the Islands. Most of us fell asleep on the plane rides so they went by very fast. When we took our taxis to our Hotel, we settled in quickly and went directly to the beach. Sadly, all of us got sun burnt today except Selah. After the beach trip, we came home and got ready for game 1 on the island. Sadly, we suffered a terrible 10-1 loss and even worse first inning where they scored 5 runs off of Plu-dogs (Pluta) inability to play defense…embarrassing. Even though we lost it was a lot of fun.
Today, I was blown away by the Corn Islands. The beach looks like it could be a computer wall paper. I am very excited to keep exploring the awesome corn islands.


Pluta sucked today at the game with about six (one) errors (error) all in the first inning where the other team scored 10 (five) runs. I had to pitch today and I didn't do that bad except the first inning, where I had one earned run. Then I shut down after that having one strike out. I am having a lot of fun here and Nicaragua and the Corn Islands is probably better then the main lands except for driving because it’s like Fast and Furious Corn Islands.


Today’s Box Score (Don’t listen to Ben)

Lincoln  0-3 BB, caught a great game
Crisfulli  0-4   decent at bats, he just can’t find that first one!
Pluta      1-3 BB, RBI  (seems like I contribute to the offense, with our only RBI!!)
Roach    0-2
Dalomba 1-3  BB
Young      1-3 BB, nice single up the middle off a good pitcher
Bruscoe    0-2, 2 BB (I’m never going to hear the end of how Ben should be leading off)
Taylor       0-3

Garth       1-4, R

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